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Everest One 2019 Volunteer - Cathy Wang

You might remember Cathy from our “Ready to Trek” training session with Rowan from Summit Strength earlier on this year! Cathy is a Sydney based optometrist and is joining Eyes4Everest this year as part of the Everest One team for October 2019.

Cathy has mainly been in working in the Sydney metro area, so she’s looking forward to being out in nature and bringing eye care to rural areas of Nepal. She’s sure it will be eye-opening (pun totally intended) to trek and deliver primary eye care that we often take for granted. 

Cathy often conquers day hikes and travels, but is up to the physcial and mental challenge of doing a multi-day altitude hike for the first time.

Cathy is keen to volunteer her eyecare skills and explore something that’s a bit out of her comfort zone. Eyes4Everest give her the opportunity to do both!

Here’s a few words from Cathy herself:

“I've started a fundraising page to contribute to Eyes4Everest's aim of building a sustainable eye care program for the Himalayan people. 

If you wish to contribute click in: https://www.mycause.com.au/page/203157/cathys-going-to-everest-what

Don't forget it's tax deductible!”